Friday 4 November 2011

Introducing Little India

                           Video featuring Little India(1)
                           Video featuring Little India(2)
                            Video featuring Little India(3)

Little India is an ethnic neighbourhood found in Singapore that has Tamil cultural elements. Little India lies to the east of the Singapore River and it is more commonly known as Tekka in the local Tamil community.

Map of Little India

As Little India is located along the Serangoon River, it was very attractive for raising cattle which made the trading of livestock very prominent in the past. Over time, other economic activity start to develop. By the 20th century, this area began to look like a Tamil ethnic neighbourhood.

Many commented that Little India resembles India in many respects, including road construction and sanitation which resulted in it to look different from the rest of Singapore's pristine districts.

Little India and its happenings in the day

Little India and its happenings in the night

Shophouses in Little India

Shophouses in Little India

Top view of Little India

Deepavali Decorations in Little India

Deepavali Decorations in Little India

Stores selling fruits and flower garlands

This ethnic neighbourhood has the patronage of people from all races who wish to eat or buy something specific to Tamils culture, such as curry or Tamil clothing. Many Chinese parents go to shops in Little India to grind rice to make congee for infants.There are also many shops with machines that are used to grind spices into powder for use in Tamil cuisine.

Machines used to grind spices

Some of the spices sold in Little India

Do you think Uncle Mervyn should take his business partners to Little India?
